Damaged Goods Spring
Poison Strawberries
Hacks and Whispers
I Am Curious: Black
Audiences Who Hate Women
Your father,
Sure-Eyed Teetering Tom
Iran Downs Drone*"My moustache still grows blonde." - New Gin Ginch
Drone Downs Wedding Party"You only live once, but you die a thousand times."
Putin Declares Self 'The New Bloomberg'"When the last hair falls from my baldman's tuft, this Nation shall be cast into the Sea." - David Cameron naked with his Ministers in the Steam Room, 10 Downing St.
Bloomberg Declares Self 'Putin for Life'"I mean, who are you? A parasitic, grasping, low-born social climber who does nothing but write self-gratifying pap, your only aspiration to concretely impact the lives around you: to by influence the thoughts of a vulgar, reactionary oligarchy, or of its better-looking, more 'progressive' but equally anti-democratic and ultimately impotent kid-brother bourgeoisie. No, sorry, I have nothing to say to you."
Des Moines Overrun by Latin-Speaking Spiders After Gin-Ginch Rally"Capitalism, like faith, lifts us up from wretchedness to superior wretchedness." - Willard Romney
"Doctor, I'm done, I'm throwin' in the towel!""Jesus, my goddam skin itches, draw me another bath." - Mitch McConnell
"You're not dead yet, boy!"
"No, Doc, I don't want to live!"
"You ain't got a choice, boy!"
"No, Doc, no!"
"Yes, boy, yes! There's something worse than dyin', boy: you gotta keep livin'!"
- John Boehner performing surgery on a burn victim Eric Cantor
"But, Citizen Robespierre, the Revolution will eat it's own children!""What is there left to fuck?" - Schubert, upon hearing Beethoven's Late Quartets
"Baby wants to fuck!"
The Turkish army responded with an air-supported operation against the fighters in Iraq's northern Qandil mountains, with both airstrikes and soldiers on the ground employed."You know, I just can't drink whiskey like I used to could. My ole belly just ain't no count. Get the shits every time." - Charlie Rose to Thom Friedman, Rainbow Row, Charleston, SC
'As of now, wide reaching operations, including hot pursuit operations, are continuing in the region within the framework of international law,' Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Turkish prime minister, told a news conference on Wednesday.Amanpour: What's wrong, Charlie?
Speaking on Turkish television, Erdogan appealed for calm from the Turkish people, and said that it was 'very clear that this terrorist organisation [the PKK] is a piece in the hands of certain powers'. He did not elaborate on who those 'powers' were.When stronger states invite themselves over to the house of a weaker state without pinging first, Charlie Rose, alone in the void of veiled truth and infinite darkness, puts out his Safe Cig© with the heel of his size 14 1/2 boot, draws a pack of Lucky Strikes© from the inside pocket of his impeccably tailored, though more than slightly wrinkled, double-breasted suit jacket designed by his dear friend Tony Burch©, observes his tired, bent reflection in his Ravenscroft© snifter of Suntory Yamazaki© 18 Year Old Single Malt, and, seated back to void across the table from an empty seat backed by void, longs to be invaded.
I am limitless flatness. I am West Texas. I am Jean-Baptiste Lully. I am the Branch Davidian. I am Ronald P. Stanton. I am the white glove on the Invisible Hand. I am the Denial of Death. I am Rick Santorum, and I'm running for President."A great calm accompanies cessation of belief in oneself, a calm attributable to the removal of the burden of authenticity, of any obstacle to the guilt-free pursuit of one's own material comfort, the abandonment of any meaningful or socially useful enterprise, even of any socially harmful but respectably ambitious enterprise." - Mitt Romney contemplating his last chance, the Bonneville Flats
Hedge fund manager survivalists could take a lesson from Naomi Klein in the say way Umair Haque takes a lesson from Marx. Disaster spells opportunity--personal survivalism is thinking far too small. American financiers can't seem to get a grip on anything: they descend from the loftiest heights of abstract, speculative value to primitive commodity fetishism, equally intangible, only-apparently more immediate. These few remaining tattered strands of socialization hold the financiers back from becoming that which they are always in the process of becoming. Nietzsche would be appalled.
Chinese factories will sink beneath the weight of macroeconomic forces beyond their circumscribed control. The truest future is that of this country's totalitarian destiny: untapped natural resources, spectacular militarization, and a depraved public starving for an eroticized singularity.
It is here, amidst the stench of decline, that we will become that which we have always almost been. It is time for mankind to stand before the depths of hell only to back down pathetic, helpless, alone, and without a reason to die or remain alive.
Rick Parry 2012. Don't just speed up the future. Annihilate it.
They found Boehner on the Capitol dome with a bottle of Jack and a nine, muttering, "Murder murder murder she wrote...""I went into my bathroom after getting back the other day and found a massive spider sitting on my hand towel, it was striped, wicked, and arrogant. Though in my underwear I killed the bastard straight."
Tuesday-Sized Earthquake Gently Jostles East Coast"...for a fleeting moment everything felt right with the world..." - from the opium diary Michael Bloomberg
- Los Angeles Times
Libyan Rebels Take Tottenham Hale"Soon all will be Chav City and good men mere cell phone stores."
Boris Johnson Declares Self "Johnny Quest," Flogs Hadji"Fair's fair, right?" - Nick Clegg, looting signed copies of Hot, Flat, and Crowded from a newsagent's shop