More rallies, brought to you by the same wonderful folks who've been hosting so many amazing and vibrant rallies in NYC these past two weeks. The people I've met at the rallies have been really excited about and welcoming of the support of non-Egyptian Americans. It goes without saying that the stakes in Egypt are huge, and those at the NYC rallies with relatives in Egypt have testified that the spectacle of global solidarity is bolstering morale in Egypt, especially since the internet was partially restored there. At the very least, non-Egyptian Americans owe it to themselves, after a lifetime of having their taxes appropriated to fund Mubarak, to assert our own rights to democratic control of our foreign policy and our budget--especially now, while the government's support for Mubarak seems to be at the tipping point.
New York City 1 PM, Saturday 12, 2011
Amnesty International CALL TO ACTION
Global Day of Solidarity with the people of Egypt
Join Amnesty International USA and others around the world as we stand with the people of Egypt in their demand for an end to the crackdown, for their freedom, their basic human rights and immediate reform.
Saturday, February 12th @ 1pm
(near) Egyptian Mission to the United Nations
(44th Street and Second Ave. NYC)
Please show your solidarity and defiance by wearing black, white or red
(the colors of the Egyptian flag).
We Stand with the People of Egypt!
http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/event.php?eid=168958493150270 For more information please contact ne1internnyc@aiusa.orgThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or 212.633.4181
Washington DC 1 PM, Saturday 12, 2011
Egyptian Solidarity Rally & March
Organized by Egyptian American Organizations
The Whitehouse "Lafayette Park", Washington DC
1:00 - 4:00 PM
Support the Egyptian Revolution. End US Support to Mubarak and His Regime. Also join protesters as they sleep over night in front of the white house (We have permit for the sleep over)
Facebook Event: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=161878673860801
Come March in Solidarity with millions of Egyptian People in their struggle for democracy and human rights as they demand the immediate DEPARTURE of the repressive Mubarak regime
For Bus Tickets in NY area: Call 212-633-6646 & 646-462-4677
NY Buses leave at 7:30 AM from The International Action Center at 55 W. 17 St., Suite 5C New York, NY 10011
NY Buses return by 9:00 PM
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