Above: The Wikileaks founder Julian Assange was driven into into Westminster Magistrates Court in London on Tuesday
Students defile Greek banks in protest of the seizure of a bank account opened by W
ikileaks founder Julian Assange. Bank officials claim asset seizure is justified by false information in Mr. Assange's given place of residence, Ancient Sparta.

Mark E. Smith, pissed as tits in touchless heaven at having been awoken early Tuesday evening by all the commotion, pens one of the Fall's most snarling singles of the year: "
Australians in Europe.....They just..nevahh...LEEEAVVVE!"
- "No. Now. No, now see here liebchen, Chancellor Merkel requires Der Spiegel for her morning shit and El Pais for her evening shit."
- David Cameron, halfway through his aide's weekly youth music mixtape, speaks aloud to no one, "Hm, the XX might just be my new favorite guitar band. Hm."
- Elsewhere in Europe: 7-year old Glaswegian, nob-Jamie, coughs blood: 'Thank god it's not christmas!,' he quips to the gulls; some new rough beast, its hour come round at last, slouches toward Bethlehem to be born; 'I'm sorry, Mr. Bono, your MasterCard has been declined'; '-What? Try Visa'; Sweden sleeps very well, again; the World Cup goes to Qatar; the banks--

the hydrogen bomb! of course....