Saturday, July 16, 2011

Let Me Out Of This Prison

"To die and be forgotten: that is my dream." - Richard Branson

"Bad mother? Sure. But her baby could have grown up to be a Muslim!" - a Swedish jurist

"California is a vast Jonestown." - Jerry Brown

"I don't want to be alive anymore." - Eric Cantor, August 3, 2011

"What makes a mind a mind is that it knows that it is subject to the body, that is to say, that it is not a mind at all." - Sheik John Boehner, declaring the Republic of Butler County, September 11, 2011

"I can't remember anything that happened to my body before 9/11."
- Salvador Allende

"I have realized that certain folks I had mistakenly considered socialist or communist just want things to be more like Portland, OR, and I want to die.

" - Bernie Sanders

"There is no Bible in this Days Inn that will protect me."
- Mitt Romney, Doom, IA

"When I get canker sores under my tongue, it stimulates a nerve that also makes my ear ache."

"What the fuck? Actually, I may have experienced such a thing before, but I just assumed it was the Devil coming for my soul."

 Paul Krugman, Wen Jiabao

"Once, on a first class flight to Macau, a man in a silver sharkskin suit gave me a mini-bottle of potion that he promised would make me never dream again. Since then I have been capable of anything."
- Jon Huntsman

"No apprehension without alienation, no self-understanding without self-estrangement, no subjectivization without objectification."
- a Guantanamo Bay prisoner

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