Sweet Movie
Sweet Movie
December 4th: The link above leads to Portuguese-language information about
a screening organized by me and Mariana Shellard that will take pla...
1 month ago
"Fly into that country and destroy anything that shoots at you!""...the French are sending the Charles de Gaulle, and Denmark their giant nuclear-powered muppet aircraft carrier..." - Robert Frost
"For the grandeur of France!!!"
The eight-legged Pope Araneus Horribilis divided the Church with his Doctrine of the Flesh. During the ensuing schism, his papacy resided at Notre Dame, which he covered in a sticky, silver film ejected from his mouth-anus. The exterior we know today is but the calcified remains of his ejaculate."In the absence of God, only shame can maintain a simulacrum of morality. That is why Catholicism is the most avant-garde faith." - Pope Araneus Horribilis, Gospel of Flesh
"Basie, what the fuck was that?""Do you consider me a jazz samba singer?"
"It's my new Movement of the Dead Children."
"Pay me what you owe me damn it! You're my hero and I want your money to validate it. Don't shirk an artist.""My sound will only be truly smooth when I can devise a saxophone made entirely of lady hair." - Sam Getz
"I will pay you the money I owe, but tomorrow. Let me tell you this if: you interrupt my evening, bar my entrance to this club, or otherwise obstruct my lifestyle I will beat you without mercy."
- Charles Mingus to Duke Ellington at Blue Note
"Yo, I don't know what kind of trick ass mark tries to expound fighting words without citing the Supreme Court's express command in U.S. v. Stevens. 'Yo, ya wife is fat!!!!'""Counsel, what could you possibly cite to support such a proposition?"
"Well, your honor, I have this..."
Pandemonium breaks out in the court room as he unveils the Shroud of Mus'ab ibn 'Umair.
I am the shape of the ape"I am every chestnut tree in Amsterdam." - John Galliano
I am the harbinger of fear
I am the cowboy of doom
I am the manatee's desire
I am omega,
a specimen of terror and majesty
I am the Chinese Communist Party
- from the diary of Hu Jintao, 12 May 2008
Q: Can I take a shit at the sick ass?
A: Once you get to the sick ass, you'll never even have to shit again.