"Why don't you write me those mean letters anymore?"
"Because I'm a cartoon."
- Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas
"I've figured it all out: it's the Jews!"
"Listen you need to take some time off."
- Dean of the Blog to VP for Development
"Does this mean I could lose the penthouse?"
"Yes, all is lost! We will be reduced to timeshare."
- Saif and Jack Lemmon Qaddafi
"I'm converting to Catholocism and joining Tony Blair at Macao, this time I fucking mean it." - Ali Abdullah Saleh to the National Security Council
"If your seed ever touches the ground, England will fall." - HM QEII to Prince William on his wedding day
"Is it the sores again?"
"No this is something different, something I can't buy away..."
- Hu Jintao and Rupert Murdoch
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